
Friday, 23 December 2016

Suffering from Interference of your TV Signal?

In the last week Virgin Mobile has been installing new 4G equipment by the A4074 near the junction with Woodcote Way.  It has caused TV signal interference for a resident of Regency Heights who has Freeview (it is not a problem for TV's using satellite or cable providers, eg Sky).
Pixelation which can happen because of  TV
signal  interference

Apparently this is a well-known problem. The signal to TVs and Freeview boxes can be blocked by these 4G mobile signals as the 800 MHz frequencies used are next to the frequencies used for Freeview.

Although it is irritating, the good news is that you can get the problem sorted for free.

The company has information to help you diagnose for yourself whether it is likely that your TV signal is suffering because of interference from a mobile phone mast.  Alternatively you can ring them for free from a landline or mobile on: 0808 13 13 800.  If necessary they will send out an engineer who will check whether you need to have a filter and install one as appropriate for FREE!

Monday, 12 December 2016

To Proceed or Not to Proceed: EFA's Proposal for Part of Mapledurham Playing Fields

To proceed or not to proceed: That is the question.  It will be debated in public on Tuesday 20 December by the Trustee of Mapledurham Playing Fields at 6.30 pm in Reading Borough Council's Bridge Street council chamber.

Late today, Monday 12 December, Reading Borough Council (RBC) published the Education Funding Agency's (EFA) updated proposal to build a permanent home for The Heights primary school on 1.231 acres to the side of Mapledurham Pavilion.
Proposed Site Plan, by David Miller Architects

The newly renamed "Mapledurham Playing Fields Trustees Sub Committee" (which has delegated authority to discharge RBC's functions as charity trustee of the Charity) is meeting on 20 December. The main agenda item is to decide whether to either reject or accept the EFA's proposal subject to conditions (and of course subject to planning permission).

Here is an extract from the recommended action:

2.3 That the Sub Committee resolves that EITHER:
(A) Taking into account the Property Report, the Amenity Report and the legal advice and other information set out in this report, the EFA offer as it has currently been articulated in the Heads of Terms is not in the best interests of the Charity (ie because it does not enhance the amenity value of the Ground) and should not therefore be proceeded with any further; OR

(B) Taking into account the Property Report, the Amenity Report and the legal advice and other information set out in this report, the EFA offer is, subject to contract, capable of being in the best interests of the Charity (ie because it is considered to be capable of enhancing the amenity value of the Ground) and should therefore be pursued in line with the Heads of Terms, subject to any conditions recommended by Officers and which are adopted by the Sub Committee (and any other conditions the sub-Committee thinks are appropriate and necessary).

The papers can be downloaded from RBC's website and details about attending the meeting or watching it using RBC's webcasting service can be found on the same page.

As usual I will be attending and addressing the Sub Committee on behalf of Mapledurham ward residents and the MPF Management Committee so once you have read the documents please let me know your thoughts so I can represent your views.