
Saturday, 17 June 2023

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Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Result: Chazey Road mobile phone mast refused!

I am delighted to say the application for a mobile phone mast in Chazey Road has been refused by Reading Borough Council.

Click here to download and enlarge
The decision notice states:

I am writing to advise that Reading Borough Council as local planning authority hereby REFUSE approval for the siting and appearance of the development proposed in the abovementioned application in accordance with the submitted drawings and documents.

Reasons for Refusal:

1. The proposed 18m high wraparound monopole and the associated cabinet equipment, by reason of their design, height, bulk and prominent siting would appear as visually dominant, obtrusive and out of keeping with the verdant character of the street, with
consequent harm to the visual amenity, character and appearance of the immediate and wider surrounding area, contrary to Policies CC7 and OU3 of the Reading Borough Local Plan (Adopted November 2019) and the NPPF (2021).

2. Without sufficient detail and compelling evidence to justify the choice of site, the proposed development has failed to demonstrate that no preferable alternative sites are potentially available which would result in a development that would be less visually
intrusive, contrary to Policy OU3 of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019) and the NPPF (2021).

You can see my original post here alerting residents to this application. Thank you to everyone who took the time and trouble to respond to the statutory planning consultation. It is great so many people expressed their views.

Please note however that the applicant may appeal this decision. If you have any questions on this, or any other council-related matter, do get in touch with me.

As ever, I will highlight planning applications of great interest, whether I'm in support or have concerns.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Proposed mobile phone mast in Chazey Road near junction with St Peter's Avenue

Click here to download and enlarge
Happy New Year to all my readers!

I'm afraid my first post this year is a call to action on a planning application.

In December C K Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd submitted a planning application for an 18 m (59 ft) tall telecommunications street pole and three cabinets. It is proposed in Chazey Road near the junction with St Peter’s Avenue on ‘site to the south of 55 St Peter’s Avenue’.

I am bringing this to your attention because I have strong concerns about the impact it will have on the character of the area. Should you share my objections, please respond to the consultation as soon as possible (deadline 6th January).

There are only three valid planning grounds on which such an application can be refused. These are:

1. Siting and appearance – the developer should ensure that the apparatus is sited and designed so as to minimise its visual impact. The proposal should not have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

2. Alternative sites – the applicant is required to show that a robust search of potential sites was conducted and various alternative sites were considered and discounted. The reasons for discounting alternative sites should also be included.

3. Health Matters – the applicant must demonstrate that there would be no health risks associated with the proposed development.

Rough illustration using Google Street View
The applicant has submitted several documents to show there is no basis for a refusal on health matters. However, I believe there are grounds for refusal on the first two and I have submitted my objections accordingly. 

If you would like to object too, follow this link to the council's website and write the application reference number 221825 in the appropriate box. Fill in the other boxes as prompted.

All the plans and supportive information can be read on the council’s website here.

Let me know if you have any questions on this, or any other council-related matter, by sending me an email: