
Monday, 21 December 2020

Recycling over Christmas in Caversham

Reading Borough Council (RBC) has announced today recycling information covering the Christmas period.

RBC will be operating Christmas tree collection centres across the borough between 4 January  and 22 January. Residents can take their trees to 3 designated areas north of the river located in the car parks at:

  • Albert Road Recreation Ground
  • Clayfield Copse
  • Hills Meadow

Trees left at the above collection points will be chipped and used in a range of landscaping schemes across the borough. Another way to dispose of your Christmas tree is to chop it up and put it in your green bin if you subscribe to the garden waste collection scheme. Alternatively residents can book a slot at the re3 recycling centre and take it there.

Please note that there will not be a collection point at Mapledurham Playing Fields! I've asked officers to put up notices as soon as possible so last year's debacle can be avoided.

Civic Amenity Site

The Recycling Centre in Island Road, Reading, will be open between 8am and 6pm over the festive period except on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day when it will be closed. Also, it will be open between 8am-4pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Changes to collection days

As usual, bin collection days will change over the holiday period and it is possible to check the revised dates here.

Garden waste collections due on Friday 25th December will take place on Tuesday 29th December. The Garden Waste Service will then be suspended until week commencing 11th January, when collections will take place one day later than your normal collection day.