
Friday 18 June 2021

Watch out for a hole on Mapledurham Playing Fields!

This evening, Friday 18 June, I've been alerted by a Chazey Road resident to a hole which has opened up in the pitch nearest Caversham Trents Football Club's (CTFC) storage unit.

I have alerted CTFC in case they were intending to use the pitch tomorrow, as well as alerting Reading Borough Council. 

However because of it being Friday evening, it is unlikely anyone at RBC will be able to take any action until Monday at the earliest.

In the meantime I've asked CTFC if they might have time to cordon off the area first thing tomorrow to alert MPF users to the potential trip hazard.

I didn't want to ring them in the middle of tonight's England match!

Please therefore stay clear of this area for now, until RBC can sort out the problem. Feel free to forward this warning to anyone likely to be user MPF this weekend.

Thank you.

Update from Reading Borough Council (24 June)

Agripower returned to the Playing Fields earlier in the week to inspect this and have advised that a small seam of gravel underground had washed away which resulted in the hole opening at the surface. 

“They have now reinstated the ground and will monitor for any further movement.”

Friday 4 June 2021

Emergency road closure Woodcote Way

Emergency Road Closure Woodcote Way , outside no 88

I’ve received the message below from Reading Borough Council this morning: 


“The Streetworks Team wish to make you aware Thames Water have informed us of the necessity to close Woodcote Way outside property number 88, with immediate effect.  This is required for an ongoing investigation to establish the source of a leak, initially thought to be within the footway. 

“Unfortunately the leak has worsened causing damage to the carriageway and therefore, for reasons of safety they have informed us of the Emergency Road Closure. Access can be achieved from either end of Woodcote Way, up to the point of closure.


“A Thames Water team will continue working throughout the weekend to find and repair the leak and the closure is anticipated to remain in place at least until the end of play on Monday 7th June 2021.  Should the closure need to remain in place beyond this date, the Streetworks Team will provide an updating email. 


“Reading Buses have been informed, in order to implement a temporary diversion for Bus services and the Emergency Services and Taxi Associations will be notified imminently.”