
Thursday 27 October 2011

Uplands Road Concrete Panel Repairs

Works to repair several damaged concrete panels in Uplands Road is programmed to commence on Wednesday 2nd November.

The work will consist of excavating the concrete panels then re-instating the road using traditional flexible construction materials. The main excavation and construction work will take place outside house numbers 4 and 2A but this work may infringe slightly on the surrounding areas. The road will remain open although a short section of 1 lane will be closed off to traffic for the duration of works. Residents may find that vehicle access to properties might not be available for a short period of time although our contractors will try to accommodate this when practical.

The works are programmed to last for approximately 3 days and the working hours will be between 08:30 and 18:30 but please be aware that poor weather may delay the works. Reading Buses have been informed and their service should not be adversely affected by these works.