
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Thank you for re-electing me

My apologies for the silence over the last few weeks.  The run-up to the Local Elections was extremely busy, after which I needed to catch up with everything else.

The turnout here in Mapledurham Ward of 45.21% was the highest in all of Reading Borough.  Nobody took the opportunity to stand for democratic election on a “No school on Mapledurham Playing Fields” ticket.  Candidates from the Greens, Labour and Lib Dems stood against me but I was re-elected with 53% of the vote.  The full Local Election results for Reading Borough can be read here.

Thank you to everyone who supported me.  I will continue to work hard for Mapledurham Ward residents on council-related matters.  The biggest issues facing our community for which solutions need to be found are: 
  • A permanent home for The Heights primary school
  • A refurbishment/rebuild of Mapledurham Pavilion
  • Improvements to road safety in Caversham, in particular the Highmoor/Albert Road junction and Prospect Street’s zebra crossing