
Thursday 28 July 2016

Summer Re-surfacing Works' Schedule

Reading Borough Council’s annual summer road resurfacing is due to begin on Monday 8 August.

The only road in Caversham Heights on the list scheduled for resurfacing and traffic management is the Upper Woodcote Road in 2 sections: Richmond Road to Woodcote Way and Blagrave Lane to house no 188.  The road is due to be closed 3 days 9.30 am to 3.30 pm 9th August to 11th August.  The whole project is expected to last four weeks, weather permitting.

Advance notices will be in place in the days before work on a road begins. Notification letters will also be delivered to nearby residents and businesses affected, detailing the length of the works. Signed diversions will be in operation when road closures are required.
In some instances, temporary parking restrictions on roads other than those mentioned in the list below will be necessary for the work to be carried out as quickly and safely as possible.

The full list of roads scheduled for resurfacing and traffic management required is as follows:
  1. Beresford Road (Rail Bridge to Barnwood Close and Portman Road between Beresford Road and Ashmere Terrace). Roads closed for 2 days 8.00 am to 8.00 pm 8th August to 9th August
  2. Upper Woodcote Road (2 sections Richmond Road to Woodcote Way and Blagrave Lane to house no 188). Road closed 3 days 9.30 am to 3.30 pm 9th August to 11th August
  3. Kings Road (Duke Street to Watlington Street). Road closed 3 days 8.00 am to 8.00 pm 11th August to 12th August and 15th August.
  4. Basingstoke Road (Craddock Road to Winchester Road). Lane closures 1 day 8.00 am to 8.00 pm 16th August
  5. Caversham Road (Abattoirs Road to Northfield Road). Road closed 3 nights 7.00 pm to 1.00 am 17th August to 19th August
  6. The Forbury Road (Valpy Street to Abbots Walk). Road closed 2 nights 7.00 pm to 1.00 am 22nd August to 23 August
  7. Kings Road (Gas Works Road to no 179 Kings Road). Lane closures 5 nights 5.00 pm to 1.00 am 29th August to 2nd September and 5th September
  8. Caversham Road (Thames Avenue to Brigham Road). Road closed westbound 1 night 7.00 pm to 1.00 am 6th September
  9. Northumberland Avenue (Canterbury Road to Cressingham Road). Road closed 2 days 8.00 am to 8.00pm 7th September to 9th September
NB: All programmed dates are subject to change depending on weather conditions