
Tuesday 8 November 2011

Changes to Bus Route 22 - Update

Further to Reading Buses' temporary change to Number 22's route last month, tomorrow outbound (from town) buses will revert to turning left from Oakley into Kidmore Road, along to The Mount and Albert Road.  More details are here

James Freeman, CEO of Reading Buses, has pledged to keep the Number 22 under close review.  He has agreed in principle to a public meeting early next year.

To help ensure buses run on time a further tweaking will happen from 12 December.  Early morning outbound journeys (before 10 am) will turn up Priest Hill to help ensure smooth running to schedule inbound journeys for commuters, workers and school children.  This will shave off approximately 4 minutes without impacting travellers as the vast majority of early morning bus users are inbound only.