Sadly though my generation should have brought up the next to enjoy and cherish nature, too many give not a moment’s thought before carelessly discarding the wrappings having consumed the ready contents.
Now, whilst the bare contaminated earth is exposed by winter’s suppression, groups like the one I joined yesterday afternoon bagged what should never have been left behind.
We picked up empty cans, crisp packets and the like blown through from Highdown’s playing fields into the ancient beech and oak woodland around. The warm sun streamed through the leafless canopy, a lone woodpecker’s tapping penetrating our friendly chatter before the cackle of a jay.
Andrew Waters, Ed Hopper & me behind some of the rubbish |
You don’t have to wait for Reading ’s annual RESCUE clean up to take pride in your area and make a difference. When you see litter in your road, don’t just walk by: pick it up if safe and dispose of it.