
Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Olympic Torch in Caversham Court

1948 Olympic torch bearer with Reading Scottish Pipe Band

This morning hundreds gathered for the Olympic Torch relay which started from the 17th Century Listed Gazebo in the historic gardens of Caversham Court.

The Reading Scottish Pipe Band played beautifully, entertaining the swelling crowds in anticipation of the first torch bearer.  Young and old shared the excitement and there was a wonderful air of anticipation.
The Mayor of Reading with my daughter

The Right Worshipful Mayor of Reading, Jenny Rynn, greeted and chatted with people including Mr Tutton who was a torch bearer at the 1948 London Olympics.

The crowds were taken a little by surprise when the torch relay started early, which also meant the bell ringers in St Peter's Church from above the gardens were unable to synchronise.  However this aside everybody was relieved the sun shone down and made it a memorable occasion.

Hundreds more lined the streets along to Caversham Bridge, enjoying the spectacle before dispersing and getting back to the routine of normal life.  I'm sure everybody who watched will remember today as there is a magic about witnessing the build-up to London 2012.

Update:  Tuesday evening's event in the Madejski Stadium was enjoyed by those lucky enough to be in front of the stage.  I gather from friends who were seated on the sides that sadly they were unable to hear what was being said.  Although they could see everything, they couldn't even speak with one another as there was an unintelligible din.

Many seated on the sides left early as they found the situation intolerable. It would seem that this was because the event organisers didn't use the Stadium's own sound system.

The first torch bearer sets off from Caversham Court