I've still got a couple of tricky cases hanging over from before May which are taking up a lot of time liaising with both the Police and RBC staff. So far I've managed to sort out the majority of Mapledurham Ward residents' concerns pretty quickly. Anyhow today it was great to once again get out and meet lots of residents, going back to Shepherds Lane to hand out an update on the main issues raised from last week and also leafleting Silverthorne Drive as well as the St Peter's & Chazey Road area.
The main concerns have been speeding along Shepherds Lane, the need for RBC's grass cutting team to catch up their schedule and repairs to the Kidmore Road/Toker's Green & Shepherds Lane junction. I'm glad to report action is being taken to address the speeding; the grass should be cut this week - or next (with Caversham Heights being tackled within 2-3 weeks); and the junction will be resurfaced on 21/22 August.
Other concerns raised included the state of Gravel Hill. Many people have told me that although they are inconvenienced by having to go via Oakley Road/Rotherfield Way by car, they are enjoying walking/cycling & or horse-riding along the closed part of Gravel Hill. It has returned to being a quiet country road and as such is treasured.
A recurring theme is people not wanting to trouble me with their small issues - to which I reply it is my job to try and sort out any council-related matter! So no matter how trivial or otherwise your problem, you can always drop me a line or call me and I will try to help. I do have several years' of experience under my belt of dealing with the various departments within the Council and also the outside bodies, so although locals tend to be extremely well-informed I may well be able to give useful advice.
If you'd like more details on any of the above, do get in touch.
In the meantime please see below the Council's resurfacing works to be carried out by Tarmac Ltd over the schools' summer holiday north of the river:
The planned programme is as follows: