
Friday 3 August 2012

Labour reveals return to dictatorship

Disbelief & anger greeted Labour's announcement at Monday's Cultural Partnership meeting that the £74,000 funding was being grabbed back. I find it surprising the two Labour Cabinet members present failed to anticipate the predictable shock & horror from everyone else. There again Labour reverted to form by failing to consult - when will they learn?

Once again Reading Labour wants to hoard Council Tax payers' money for themselves to ensure their own total control over how it will be spent. They just don't get the importance of harnessing public enthusiasm & goodwill - or so it would appear.

During the local Conservative-led coalition we set up the Cultural Partnership to help bring together like minded groups, individuals & organisations. We provided the £74,000 budget to give the Partnership power to decide where to invest in culture around our town. Hundreds joined and the town's Cultural community flourished.

Having read this are you at all surprised by one incensed Cultural Partnership member's accusation of Labour dumping on the Cultural sector? My Conservative colleague Cllr Andrew Cumpsty proposed the Cultural Partnership task the two Labour councillors to report back to the rest of the Cabinet so as to rethink the unpopular decision. This was unanimously supported (apart from the two Labour councillors who voted against)!