
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Stolen Bollards

The thoughtless actions of one or more individuals endangered lives in the closed part of Gravel Hill. The bollards Kidmore Road end were stolen at the weekend thereby enabling access to all traffic.

One Shepherd's Lane resident told me she knew of pedestrians being taken by surprise when faced by a car charging down this narrow country lane this morning, as for the past couple of years it has been closed to through traffic.  Although unpopular with some residents (including my husband) many residents have told me how much they now enjoy walking, running, cycling or in some cases horse riding along in the knowledge they will not be faced with a speeding driver around the blind bends.

Returning to the case in hand, I'm glad to report after initially putting up a temporary "Road Closed" sign, the Council officers have installed new bollards.  One resident told my colleague Cllr Ed Hopper on Sunday, another told Rob Wilson yesterday, whilst a Shepherd's Lane resident told me. It is always worth getting in touch with your elected representatives if you spot a problem as often we are best placed to contact the appropriate officers to sort out the issue - as demonstrated here with Gravel Hill.

In the unlikely event any of my readers know who was responsible for stealing the bollards please inform the Council - or me.  What may have been a harmless prank could have caused a serious accident.