
Thursday, 5 June 2014

Public Meeting: Permanent location secured for The Heights Primary School

BREAKING NEWS:  The permanent site for The Heights primary school which has been bought by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) has just been announced.  It is a privately owned development site on Upper Warren Avenue known as 'Highridge'.

There has been substantial interest in where the permanent home for The Heights is going to be and therefore I, together with my colleague Cllr Ed Hopper, will be hosting a public meeting to give local residents the opportunity to give their views.

The meeting will be on Tuesday 17 June at 7.30 pm in St Andrew's Hall, Albert Road.  In attendance, Head Teacher Karen Edwards and land adviser, Dan Pagella, will be there together with other members of The Heights.  In addition Kevin McDaniel, Reading Borough Council's Head of Education.

As any regular reader of my blog will know, the Caversham Heights area has for well over 10 years desperately needed a primary school to give local families a realistic chance of a primary school place.

It proved a challenge for the EFA to find a site and this was the only viable option.  I am keen to hear your views so that I can represent the interests of everyone in my ward.  Do spread the word & come along to St Andrew's Hall on 17 June.  A leaflet can be downloaded and printed off here