
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Fresh Proposal for the Dangerous Highmoor/Albert Road Junction

Rob Wilson MP with residents July 2014
It has taken Reading Borough Council’s (RBC’s) Labour administration many years to finally acknowledge that action needs to be taken to tackle the accident hot spot at the Albert Road/Highmoor Road junction. 

When I represented Thames Ward (within which the junction is located) I lobbied RBC for improvements to be made, the conclusion of which you can read here but sadly the administration failed to prioritise the matter.

Last summer, following further crashes, Rob Wilson MP campaigned with local residents putting renewed pressure on RBC to prioritise works to reduce the junction’s accident risks.  This resulted in RBC recommending a closure of the west side of Highmoor Road at the junction to general traffic with access only remaining for emergency & refuse vehicles and also buses.

The results of Rob Wilson’s survey showed strong opposition (91%) to RBC’s proposal and, having submitted my own objections, I was happy to see RBC accept that an alternative solution be sought.

A report to next week’s Traffic Management Sub Committee on 15 January proposes the junction’s priorities are changed to make traffic stop on Albert Road instead of Highmoor Road, and permitting Highmoor Road traffic to drive through the junction without stopping.

If you live in Mapledurham Ward, which is the area that I represent (the polling station for which is Mapledurham Pavilion) do let me know what you think before the meeting.  My email address is:  Do copy your thoughts to  If you live closer to the junction (and your polling station is St Andrew's Hall) then write to my Conservative colleague as he sits on the Traffic Management Sub Committee, as well as being one of the 3 local Thames Ward councillors.