
Friday, 9 January 2015

Update: Consultation on Permanent Site for The Heights

Today Reading Borough Council (RBC) has published a report to be discussed at the forthcoming Policy Committee meeting (RBC's executive decision-making committee) on Monday 19 January in the new Civic Offices in Plaza West.  Members of the public are welcome.

This report follows on from the Education Funding Agency's (EFA's) request to RBC for help to find a community-backed permanent location for The Heights primary free school.  More information can be read in my earlier post.

The report to Policy Committee proposes the scope, approach, output and timetable for the consultation which RBC officers estimate will cost about £31,000.  In addition it sets out the overall decision making framework for Free Schools.

The proposed timetable is for the consultation's results to be passed on to the EFA on 30 March.