
Thursday 21 January 2016

Temporary Closure of Mapledurham Pavilion

Mapledurham Pavilion
BREAKING News: This afternoon a decision has been taken by Reading Borough Council (RBC) to temporarily close Mapledurham Pavilion.  The Pavilion is, like the Mapledurham Playing Fields themselves, held in Trust by RBC.

User groups are being told that an independent structural engineer has recommended the temporary closure as bowing is clearly visible on the southern external wall.  It is anticipated at this stage that the closure will be for approximately 6 weeks.

Please note that the Football and Tennis clubs will both be able to continue to run as normal as the changing rooms and Tennis club area are unaffected.

As Chairman of the Mapledurham Playing Fields Management committee I was informed of the decision.  I have asked RBC questions about the help that will be provided to users to find alternative accommodation but also about the cost of repairs; who and when a decision is likely; and at what level a tipping point is likely to be reached to make major works necessary.

I have asked that RBC issue a press release, put up notices on the Pavilion and keeps me updated.