
Saturday, 27 March 2021

Government announce Mental Health investment

I'm delighted by the Government's decision to invest £500m to support mental health across the UK.

Last October I wrote about the importance of good mental health including how hard living through the pandemic has been on everyone's mental health.

At a family funeral a week ago, the impact of loneliness on one of my relative's mental health was so sad to see. We talked about the struggle going out by yourself when you are feeling low and alone. Her pets have played a huge part in getting her through the last year. She's had to walk her dogs which has meant she has been able to say hello to other dog walkers so see another human being. She is so looking forward to restrictions easing - as I know we all are!

With the swift and efficient rollout of the vaccine, British Summer Time starting tonight and gardens bursting into flower, life is improving.

If you need help, here is a list of excellent organisations: