
Tuesday 28 January 2020

Temporary reinstatement by A4074 junction with Shepherds Lane

This morning, following my calls for action, council workers filled in the trench adjacent to Upper Woodcote Road's junction with Shepherds Lane (see before and after photos)
Before (view looking south)

Not only had the red plastic fencing at the junction been causing visibility problems for motorists, but also it had been blocking the pavement.

Poor drainage at the junction had been the reason for the works. The pipes that should be draining the rainwater away from the road are not connected and the road therefore will have to be dug up to sort out the issue.

After temporary reinstatement
I was informed that these works will be timed to coincide with the next half term to minimise disruption. Traffic management will have to be put in place.

In the meantime I'm afraid whenever it rains the water is bound to keep on creating a big puddle, so do drive with care.