
Monday, 27 April 2020

Urgent works to Grade I listed Chazey Court Barn

Chazey Court Barn - start of new scaffolding (taken on 24/4)
Chazey Court Barn, one of only six buildings within Reading Borough to have a Grade I listing, is at last to have urgent works carried out. It dates back to the 17th Century and has been on the Heritage at Risk Register for many years because of its precarious condition.

Last week new scaffolding started going up to support the building. The scaffolding will be going higher as there will be a temporary tin roof  above the tiles to keep the building watertight.

Chazey Court Barn is owned by Mapledurham Estate. There is a long and complicated planning history. For years there has been a stale mate with many organisations and individuals, fronted by Reading Borough Council (RBC)  trying to get the owner and/or leaseholder to look after this important building, the restoration of which forms part of a successfully appealed application to build a nursing home.

RBC had a meeting on site in February with Historic England and the sub-leaseholders, InMind to discuss and agree a schedule of urgent works. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions coming into force, commencement was delayed. JM Civil Engineering are carrying out the restoration works. They have put up a sign with their contact details and are extremely keen to keep disruption to a minimum.

RBC has asked the sub-leaseholder to submit a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed development to establish that the planning permission is extant, ie that all pre-commencement conditions have been adequately satisfied and that the time limits set by condition for starting the development and/or submitting reserved matters have not expired.

Digger on top of the soil temporarily put into the balancing pool
On Friday lorry loads of soil were off-loaded temporarily into the area previously dug out for the flood alleviation balancing pond. More lorry loads will be off-loaded here this week. Please do not be concerned as the soil will be taken out to create a bund around the barn and the balancing pond (whilst maintaining access to the properties to the west) to secure the site.

Contractor's details
Do get in contact with me
mob: 07717 292 003 if you would like any further information or would like me to put specific questions to John at JM Civil Engineering or the RBC planner dealing with this site.