
Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Bane of all Road Users

A major annoyance for all road users is the all-too-common pothole.

Although the run-up to Elections brings lots of unnecessary nastiness, one benefit is councillors from all parties pound the streets more than usual so councillors can see and report potholes.

In our Coalition year as RBC's administration we put £400,000 budget for road maintenance.  Labour has never made such provision.

The most recent potholes I've reported which are yet to be repaired are: 
207 & 211 Kidmore Road
1 Knowle Close
4 Richmond Road
3, 21, 35 & 53 Shepherd’s Lane
Silverthorne Drive’s junction with Sandcroft Road

Do let me know if you spot any others because the Council can only repair potholes it knows about!