
Friday, 15 February 2013

Caversham Heights News

A quick update on what's been going on locally in the last week or so (in no particular order):
Courtesy of Marc Dillon's website

  • The repairs and reinstatement of Westdene Crescent following the burst water mains have been finished.  The gas mains works are ongoing in Woodcote Way 
  • Potholes have been filled in: the worst was in Richmond Road, with Wincroft and Fernbrook Road also having been dealt with yesterday.  Although logically I'd hoped all the ones in Caversham Heights would have been done at the same time those in Shepherds Lane are yet to be tackled (though I've been assured they are scheduled for repair)
  • Last Saturday (9th February) the Warren & District Residents' Association held its first Valentines Ball.  The Crowne Plaza event was packed and we were all entertained by Marc Dillon - a past finalist of Pop Idol 2.  Final figures are awaited, but it looks as though a further £7,000 was raised towards rebuilding Mapledurham Pavilion!
  • Chazey Rd access
  • RBC's Park's Department, with help from the Probation team and local volunteers, has quickly and efficiently improved the woodland path and vehicular access from Chazey Road to Mapledurham Playing Fields.  Following a resident's concerns about the boggy condition of the vehicular access that I raised with officers, masses of wood chips were delivered and then spread by Probationers.  As you can see in this photo the vehicular access now looks attractive and usable
  • The environmental clear-up of Mapledurham Playing Fields has been postponed until Saturday 23 February.  Locals keen to help look after the woodland and playing fields are invited to gather at 9.30 am in the orchard area.  Tools and training are given.  If you'd like to come along do ring:  9473294 in advance
  • The Heights Primary School application: news is awaited as to whether the parent group behind this new Free School bid is going to be offered an interview.  Elsewhere in Reading the WREN secondary school bid group heard this week their interview date, so fingers crossed for both The Heights and the East Reading Secondary School bids [links in my list of other websites on the right-hand side]